We are very grateful to all the people and patients that participated in our studies. We are also thankful to all our wonderful collaborators, including:
- Nael Nadif-Kasri and Dirk Schubert, Radboud UMC
- Veerle Bergink, Towfique Raj, Mercedes Maria-Perez, Anna Rommel, Cheryl Corcoran, Schahram Akbarian, Viviana Simon, and René Kahn, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Inge Huitinga, Netherlands Brain Bank
- Elly Hol, Marco Boks, Jeroen Pasterkamp, and Monique Nijhuis, UMC Utrecht
- Chotima Böttcher and Josef Priller, Charité, Berlin
We would like to thank all past members from our lab for their amazing contributions to our projects, including:
- Tammy Flores
- Stephanie Gumbs
- Amber Berdenis van Berlekom
- Hans van Mierlo
- Gijsje Snijders
- Yujie He
- Paul Ormel
- Marjolein Sneeboer
- Manja Litjes
- Jeroen Melief
- Thalia van der Doef
We thank the following institutes and foundations for providing funding: